The Walton Lodge of Installed Mark Masters. No. 161
“The Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge”
The Masonic Hall, Wellington Park, Burlington Gardens, Church St, Leyland
Tuesday 22nd May 2018
A Ceremony of Re-Dedication
It’s hard to believe but here it was another warm sunny day, not only that but the meeting later today is not one you will see very often and one I and all those who are attending are really looking forward to. Made my way to the garage pressed the button, doors opened and the lights were on, now they definitely were switched off when I left the old Opel in there a few nights ago, I think it was sulking and trying to get back at me by using electric!! This car has a soul I’m sure of it, It did start first time and we slid out into the sunshine, oh dear it was full of dust, but I think I’ll get away with it.
The Lodge is Ready
The Dining Room is Ready
PGM enjoying a cuppa
A coffee and a chat
Set off early as always, straight up the on ramp M60, traffic moving slowly but at least it was moving, I’m sure they are making these lanes even thinner, it must be three years now since they started work on this “Smart Motorway” which as we the general public know it will make difference whatsoever, easy drive to the M62 and on to the M6 off at Doo Das and before I knew it I was in the car park virtually on my own, time to relax, a swig of the usual Dandelion and Burdock and a Marmite butty, lovely.
Just Chilling out
You know who
The WM ‘s Ready
The Sword
Before too long members of the Lodge and Provincial Team members began to arrive, plenty of coffee/tea and biscuits were laid out and well received, everyone seemed happy to meet as always and sat around relaxing telling their news from all over the Province and beyond. Making my way up to the lodge room which for anyone who hasn’t visited Leyland is first class, I came across, yes you’ve guessed, W.Bro. David Emmerson the Prov DC ready as always to put his Team through their paces which in turn always makes the PGM’s visit to Lodges so special. I noticed that even members of Walton Lodge had a quick run through also to make sure the meeting was as good as it could be on this very special occasion.
Lets Practise
The SW’s Ready
Have I forgot something.
Are we ready
The Lodge opened on time and dealt with quite a few business items including a ballot for several new joining members, a declaration for Master Elect as W.Bro. Hugh O’Neill, and elected as Treasurer VW Michael Clarke PGJO P Asst PGM, there was also an interesting Proposition following a Notice of Motion at the previous meeting for several Brethren to be accorded as Honorary members of the Lodge: RW Bro. Keith Beardmore PGM, VW Bro. Geoffrey Lee Dep PGM, VW. Bro. Ian Nairn Ass’t PGM, W.Bro. Bro. Giles Berkley Ass’t PGM and W.Bro. John Bicknell Prov Grand Sec, what a team and I’m sure any Lodge would be proud to have them all as Honorary Members, they were all of course elected unanimously.
Practise makes perfect
A Lovely Tune
The SW’s Wicket
Lodge Bible
Following on from the above items the PGM entered the Lodge accompanied by distinguished Grand and Provincial Grand Officers, the Gavel was offered by the WM to Keith as is his right and on this occasion he said he would accept it for a short period, before any further proceedings took place the new Lodge members were each presented with a copy of the Lodge Bye-Laws.      
Rod the Lodge Secretary
The DC’s Team
Two DC’s & Chains
VW Bro. Ian Nairn Asst PGM read out a very interesting brief History of Walton Lodge, its many trials and tribulations over the years and the many different locations it had to move to in its efforts to continue meeting, VW Bro.Rod Bennison PGJO then read out the minutes from the very first meeting in December 1872, wonderful.
The Chain Bearers
The WM and all the members of the Lodge were called to assemble around the square, the PGM then carried out the Ceremony (which I will not describe here as it would spoil your own viewing of a similar Ceremony) before declaring the Lodge well and truly Re-Dedicated.
PGM & Two Old Friends
PGM & Rod with his Certificate
PGM & WM Toast
On resuming their seats the PGM requested VW Rod Bennison to placed in front of the pedestal where upon he presented him with a Special Certificate in recognition of his unstinting work on behalf of the Mark Degree in West Lancs, in general and especially in working hard to keep Walton Mark Lodge (now Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge) from going out of existence, Rod was surprised and delighted and for once was speechless. Another surprise was to follow, the WM W.Bro.William Wainwright was given a Field Honour by the PGM to that of PPrGStwd which is what the Lodge is all about, Keith also pointed out to Bill that as this was a field honour being conferred it would save him the cost of a registration fee. (much laughter) On resuming his seat the WM thanked Keith for carrying out the Ceremony and was pleased to present him with two £250 cheques for the Charities, the PGM said it was a wonderful gesture and would be well received and put to good use.
Festive Board in Full Swing
PGM, His Dep PGM & Asst PGM’s
Enjoying the meal
Dave & his DC’s
It was now time for the PGM, Distinguished Grand and Provincial Grand Officers to retire from the Lodge which on this occasion was greeted with acclaim and thanks by all present, before too long the Lodge was closed in due form, everyone then re assembled for a quick photo shoot to mark the special evening then it was off for some liquid refreshment before taking up their places at the Festive Board, approx 80 were present and treated to an excellent meal served up by friendly and efficient staff members, the usual Toasts and notable responses were given including a presentation to the WM of a framed picture of the evenings seating  plan, a great gesture.
Vic JW and Ernie Prov Tyler
Top Table
The Happy Degree
Giles giving a Great Speech
All too soon it was over and quite a while now to the start of the new season still lots of nice memories and a visit to Grand Lodge in London in a couple of weeks to look forward to, great to have met up with old friends and those new friends I didn’t meet until tonight, Mark Well.
The Tylers Toast
Not a member of the colourful Royal Ark Mariner Degree why not come and join us, there will be a Lodge meeting at your Hall or one very close by, many of your friends in your own Mark Lodge will also be members just ask and you will be made most welcome to come along and join us.    
Mark Well
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher.
Flixton Shepherd Eastwood. No.1173